On this, Edward’s 84th birthday, we’re delighted to announce that Peth’s Staging Post is again functioning properly.

We hope you’ve all been keeping safe and well at this extraordinary time.

Edward has been keeping busy with his art during the months of lockdown. Below are three examples of his recent work in pastel.

Chapel Street, Bradford
April Afternoon at the Dairy
The First Coin (from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead)
  • Nancy Vermette

    No photos are showing on the blog?

  • Sandy G

    Happy Birthday Mr Petherbridge! Many happy returns of the day.
    So glad to hear you are safe and well, have been popping onto the blog to see if it was back, and here it is!

  • Jack Archer

    Hooray! You’re back, and doing good work, Happy Birthday! Jack Archer

  • Jools Lloyd

    Thank goodness you’re back, I was getting worried. A belated Happy Birthday to Mr P. I hope this finds you and you’re family all well.

  • val kitchener

    Thank you for the reprise of The Journey. I can’t help comparing with John Gielgud’s version (0n Youtube). For me, in a deeply moving way, you inhabit the character(s) of the Magi; Gielgud … well, doesn’t, brilliant though the reading is. Can you find some more characters in poetry/literature to inhabit and to read to us in the way you have done The Journey? Or, build on your BBC poetry readings? PsSP is one of my very favourite happy places and a big part of my well-being – thank you so much for bringing the Magi to us, and for all of your work. ValTas


    Oh frabjous day! He’s back!

  • David Yelland

    It’s great to see you’re back on the Blog. A moment of peace in a terribly noisy world. Thank You Sir!

  • carol carlson

    So glad you are back, Edward. Life in the US is even more chaotic than it is for you in the UK – you may be ruled by an irresponsible, self-aggrandising twit, but at least he does not rise to the level of true sociopath, as ours does. Your work of all kinds is a bright spot in a world that will be much darker for a while before light begins to dawn. It is very good to hear that you are safe, well and busy. The paintings are beautiful; I”m re-visiting some of your theatrical triumphs as well. Query: how does one order Slim Chances on the web? I can’t find any way of doing this and would like to have the book. Cheers.

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