It has taken me years of struggle, hard work, and research to learn to make one simple gesture, and I know enough about the art of writing to realize that it would take as many years of concentrated effort to write one simple, beautiful sentence. 

Isadora Duncan

Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald 
A new film from Petherbridge-Riley Studios – some thoughts on presentation, representation and indeed blogging:
It seems an apposite coda to a blog on presentation to mention that this month (28th August) marks the 50th anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. By way of celebrating that significant milestone, I leave you with a photograph I took, whilst on tour with the RSC in the late 90s, of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool.
Photo by EP
There is one day left to catch Edward in the first of two episodes of BBC Radio 4’s Quote … Unquote. The second episode will be broadcast on Monday 26th August at 3 p.m. (BST). Don’t miss!
13 thoughts on “PITH IN A MOMENT”
  • riverbendIN

    Thank you for posting a new film. I think the retake of the dog owner does represent "failing better…"

    Looking forward to the next post.

    • Tessa

      oh, ezek a nénik, meg a hazamenÅ‘s sztroijaik, édesek. mindig van náluk még egy doboz ribizli, vagy egy adag gyalult tök, vagy bÃsoim.vi¡zrnt lekvárt hogy fÅ‘zÅ‘l belÅ‘le, mi a te cukorarányod?

      • Trisha

        Lot of smarts in that poingts!

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  • Southern Gal

    oh drat. i missed it. any chance any one has a "copy" (i know… but really it's so sad to have missed it. )


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